Instant cash loan is the short-term personal loan that you can get when you need instant cash to cover your financial requirements. It also becomes handy when you don’t want to borrow a lot and want to repay the amount within a short tenure. Because of the quick disbursal feature, it is easy to access the fund instantly. Online lenders can lend an easy cash loan with lucrative features.
Collateral-free nature-
Just like an instant personal loan, an instant cash loan does not require any collateral for approval.
Hassle-free online application-
As there are multiple lenders online who provide instant cash loans at a convenient rate of interest, at Roopya, the loan application is quick and hassle-free.
Easy documentation–
Easy documentation makes instant cash loans very approachable to cover your needs instantly.
Instant disbursal–
Instant approval and quick disbursal of the loan amount give you instant access to the fund. So, there won’t be any delay in financing your financial emergencies.
The flexible loan quantum-
The loan quantum ranges from a lower amount to a higher amount. That means you don’t have to borrow a lot when you need a few thousand urgently.
Zero-requirement of credit score-
A credit score is not a vital thing to apply for an instant cash loan. So if you have a poor credit score then it won’t be an obstacle in getting the loan.
The Eligibility Criteria For An Instant Cash Loan
- The eligibility criteria for an instant cash loan is very simple.
- Your nationality should be Indian.
- You should be a salaried person.
- Your least monthly income should be Rs. 12,000.
- Your age should be 21 years onwards.
Documents Required For The Application
- Proof of nationality- PAN Card
- ID proof- Aadhaar card, Voter’s ID card, Driving license, etc.
- Address proof- Aadhaar card, Voter’s ID card, Passport, Driving License, etc.
- Proof of income- Your salary slips, statement of the bank account.
How To Apply For An Instant Cash Loan Or Personal Loan Online
Follow the following steps to apply for an instant personal loan online
- Go to the web portal of Roopya.
- Find lenders, loan offers, rates of interest, and tenure and compare them.
- Now put your personal details on the webpage and apply online.
- Then get instant approval and quick disbursal of the loan amount.
Benefits Of Availing An Instant Cash Loan
Though instant cash loans come with a higher rate of interest than other loans because of their easy availability and flexible eligibility criteria, they have other benefits too.
- You don’t have to over-burden yourself with a higher amount of loan when you need a lower amount of cash to tackle any financial urgency.
- You can opt for shorter tenures too as lenders lend money on per day interest basis. Last month, Mr. B. Sikhawat from Delhi took an instant cash loan right before 2 days of his next paycheck to pay his kid’s educational expense and repaid the amount after getting his next salary. It was convenient for him as he didn’t have to bear a long-term loan burden.
- You can improve your credit score by repaying such loans on time.
- People with zero-previous transactions history with the lender can also borrow an instant cash loan.
Things To Remember
You can always visit Roopya’s website to get an instant personal loan by considering the following facts before application.
- Always compare the lenders because the interest rates and tenures may not be the same. So comparisons can help you to get a loan at the lowest rate of interest.
- Check the eligibility criteria, so that you can avoid any chances of disapproval.
- Know the fees that they charge for loan processing, late payment, penalty, etc.
We will be happy to lend you a helping hand when you need financial help to manage your expenses and fulfill your dreams.
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